
Elope Davenport

Recently, Annika and Marcus had a dream of eloping and getting married on the beautiful Northern California coastline. Inspired by a photograph, they travelled from Sweden to Davenport, CA. I was amazed how confident and easy going they were despite a couple of speed bumps they encountered. They were unsure up until their time of departure if the volcanic ash from Iceland would clear in time for take off. Finally arriving in San Francisco they discovered that their luggage had been lost! Wedding dress included. But as fate would have it, the dress arrived and everything worked out. I love the image of Annika jumping for joy. Congratulations!

Photographer: Rebecca Stark 831-325-4183 Rebecca Stark Photography website ~ Wedding Minister: Reverend Donna Rose Gardner 831-325-7254~ Florist: Lezlie Johnson 831-601-1531 website